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Via its divisions and their expertise, the Equasens Group creates, develops and markets business software, electronic products, digital and robotic solutions, addressing healthcare professionals, establishments and patients.


id. is a new Business Software package for Pharmagest dispensaries. The leading software in the dispensary market, going far beyond a mere business software package, id. is a comprehensive, innovative ecosystem connect to patients, the dispensary team and pharmacy networks.

Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg
Business software
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Faced with the challenge of tablets and new healthcare organisations, MédiStory 4 reinvents the medical file experience. Easier to adopt and understand, easier to use, easier to share and easier to structure. The fruit of 30 years of experience. Launched on iPad, and very similar to use on Mac.

Business software
Medical Solutions
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DOMILINK is the benchmark management solution for healthcare establishments and professionals providing patients with care at home: Home hospital care, home nursing care, mobile Alzheimer teams, respite platforms, support coordination measures, etc. Multi-device, web-based, hosted on the EQUASENS Group’s HDS approved-servers, the DOMILINK range of software stands out thanks to its rich features and smooth […]

Business software
Home hospital care, Local coordination and information centres, Nursing care
Axigate Link
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HOSPILINK is the new generation fully web-based and most innovative computerised patient file software on the market, with an intuitive, ergonomic and sleek design for Hospitals and Specialised structures (follow-up and rehabilitation centres, psychiatric care units). Legally multi-entity, HOSPILINK is the benchmark regional hospital grouping solution within the framework of convergence of DPIs and stands […]

Business software
Axigate Link
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TITANLINK is a new web software and app designed for medico-social establishments: Retirement homes, day centres, medical-care homes, specialised medical-care homes, etc. 100% secure, 100% personalisable and 100% mobile, TITANLINK is the most modern system on the market with a comprehensive and modular offering, from billing to management of care, and including a full range […]

Belgium, France
Business software
Retirement homes
Axigate Link
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Multimeds is a pillbox which can be used on a weekly or monthly basis (seven day or 28-day versions) with detachable pill segments. Each pillbox carries the patient’s name, the name of the drug, the dose, and the batch and expiry date for each, which enables complete traceability. As a result, Multimeds applies the five […]

Patient solutions
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MEDILINK is a comprehensive mobile solution for the management of patient records addressing the needs of multi-disciplinary healthcare establishments, healthcare centres and professional regional healthcare communities. A multimedia application and software package, MEDILINK facilitates patient care coordination in medical centres or at home. Personalisable, multidisciplinary and secure, it addresses the needs of all healthcare professionals […]

Business software
Healthcare centres, Professional regional healthcare communities
Medical Solutions
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Carelib is an integrated resident call solution, for fall detection and geolocalisation of patients in retirement homes. Integrated within TITANLINK, the CARELIB system addresses the issues related to the management of undesirable events (such as falls, or lost or wandering patients), thanks to 3D sensor technology and fully automated data analysis. With CARELIB, AI is […]

Business software
Healthcare establishments
Axigate Link
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ETPLINK simplifies and facilitates the management of therapeutic and out-patient care in medico-social establishments and healthcare institutions.

Business software
Axigate Link
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Leasa is a software package published by the Fintech division specialised in the leasing of professional equipment. Leasa is a multi-lessor market which is 100% digital and zero paper, automating and simplifying the processing of funding files. Since its creation, Leasa has processed more than 1 billion euros in requests and funded 350 million projects.

Healthcare professionals
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PandaLab Ma santé

PandaLab Ma santé is a secure and free-of-charge application targeting Healthcare Professionals for their patients. Closely linked to business software, enables communication with the patient base and offers a wide range of integrated services. It is open and interoperable with other healthcare solutions.

Mobile application
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Helathlease is the Equasens Group’s exclusive partner for the funding of software and IT solutions. Healthlease supports pharmacists in the modelling and digitalisation of their dispensaries thanks to flexible and scalable funding solutions.

Healthcare professionals
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